Saturday 21 May 2011

Obama's Irish Roots


If you'd like to learn a little bit more about the Irish ancestry of President Obama, then you can see last night's TV programme on the subject here.  A big thanks to Eneclann for both the research they did for this story, and for notifying us of the link.


Eneclann have also just launched their new website at  Have a browse if Irish research is your thing - you'll find a bit more on the Obama story there, too.


Meanwhile, back in England, a few minor news stories have surfaced...

First of all, the Origins website has announced the availability of some fresh records, thus:-
  • Somerset Electoral Registers, 1832-1914;
  • Additional Oxfordshire Wills.

Then we have TheGenealogist's latest release - Cornwall, Kent and Yorkshire parish records.

And the always interesting S&N newsletter can be found here.  It's pointless me repeating everything they have to say, so have a quick look for yourself by following the link ... but please bear in mind what I have to say next before clicking on anything on their website with too much haste...

S&N and TheGenealogist are (sort of) one and the same, of course.  I'm not entirely sure what the relationship is, but the latter is (as far as I can tell) the flagship web presence of the S&N group.  TheGenealogist is one of those websites which offer a myriad of online services for an annual fee - but I'm sure you're aware of this.  Anyway, my point is that I have become an affiliate of TheGenealogist, so that I get a cut when any new members join via my link.  So I hereby order you all to now do exactly that, either via the big display add on the left-hand side of this page (near the bottom), or by clicking here...
OK, then, now that you've done that, we can continue... ;-)

One more bit of news. Natives of Bristol may be interested in lending their hand to the launch of the city's new museum.  I picked up the story here, and the museum's website can be found here.


BBC History Magazine's 'History Headlines' for the week can be found here.

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