Saturday 5 March 2011

The Irish (again) & Some Weekend Listening


There does seem to be a lot of Irish news around at the minute.  Here's the latest batch of goodies:-
  • Some major Belfast City cemetery records have appeared online.  Several blogs have featured the news in the last day or so - the relevant Scottish GENES post is as good a place as any to start;
  • The same blog also carried this story a short while ago pertaining to the Irish Archives Resource, a major new online presence for Irish researchers to get stuck into;
  • A reminder that the Dublin Family History Day is looming on Saturday 12th March - though I'm not sure if there are still places available (booking essential);
  • And here's a freebie up for grabs at BooksIreland.

Check back in tomorrow for some non-Irish stuff!  In the meantime, though, why not have a listen to the following:-
  • BBC History Magazine Podcast (the 'download' button seems to be playing up a bit - well, it is for me, anyway!);
  • TNA Podcast x 2! - two very different subjects: High Court records and ... UFOs!


Death of...
Stalin, in 1953.

1946:  Churchill delivers his famous 'Iron Curtain' speech in the US.

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