Wednesday 21 December 2011

Genes Reunited News


I can't speak with any great authority on the matter as I'm not a fully paid-up member, but the Genes Reunited website seems to be experiencing problems at the moment. A recent 'technical update' is the latest offering, so hopefully things will be ironed out soon. Another announcement on the site seems to indicate that the new-fangled British Newspaper Archive is accessible through Genes Reunited - but, again, I've not tried this myself.

The Irish Genealogy News blog has a mid-December update from the Ireland Genealogy Project Archives - see here.

Irish researchers may also wish to know the festive opening hours at PRONI.

WDYTYA? Magazine have a competition for you, here.

And blogger John Reid points us in the direction of some Scottish naming stats/patterns, here.


Dick Eastman has posted an interesting piece about the family histories of the 2012 presidential candidates. Stick with the piece, as it leads onto an even better article about other inheritance traits (eye colour).

And thanks to The Passionate Genealogist for flagging a story on the concept of making a pack of playing cards bearing the images of your ancestors.


Tomorrow (Thursday) sees the final episode of the Find My Past TV show. Catch a preview here (main website here).

Special offer from...
The Genealogist - UK census, BMDs and more online
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