Sunday 27 March 2011

Census Day!


I'll keep it brief, because I know all you UK residents have got some paperwork to do today.  Yes, it's Census Day! And quite possibly (probably, in fact) the very last one we'll ever have - so savour it.

Many of you will be flocking to Ancestry's website today for the freebie census offer.  I see that they've encountered the usual problems associated with this sort of offer - probably due to overload - but that they have kindly extended the offer to the end of Monday 28th.  You can find all you need to know on the blog - including a few other articles of interest (look out for posts on the 'The History of the Census' and 'From Archive to Web: Getting a Census Online').

If you can tear yourself away from the form-filling (oh, and remember to keep a copy for posterity!), there is the latest newsletter release from the National Library of Ireland to have a look at, here.

And I'd better point this out before it's too late: the Pudsey Local & Family History Fair is taking place on Saturday 2nd April (10am-4pm) - see here.

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