Friday, 31 May 2013

Genealogy News - 31st May

Recent releases by Ancestry include great news for Surrey researchers - see their 'updates page' and follow the links.

Live near London and fancy a free lecture or three? Then check out the June listing for the excellent Gresham College. The talks are free and open to all (and most of the old ones are online at their website, too)

Scots may wish to take a look at this major forthcoming conference in October which is being organised by the Scottish Genealogy Society ... who have also released a few new publications.

Are you into community archives &/or heritage? Then you should check this newsletter out.

A couple of new podcasts have popped up at TNA's dedicated website.

Those of us with Bevin Boy ancestors may be interested in this.

An interesting story about a bid to identify Belfast soldiers.

Lots of Irish news, as usual, is available at Claire Santry's 'Irish Genealogy News' blog - so much of late, in fact, that I'm simply going to ask you to click through to her website and have a browse for yourself. In short, there's news on NLI's 'Summer of Genealogy', Derry's Great Parchment Book, an Irish Famine Conference, and lots, lots more.

A couple of items for Scottish researchers via blogger Chris Paton:

Check out a list of 10 free parish register websites.

Many genealogists may wish to follow blogger John D Reid's advice and take an online course.

The usual Friday stuff from the BBC...
  • The week's 'History Headlines' will soon pop up here (where you can also peruse previous instalments);
  • Latest Podcast;
  • Upcoming history TV & radio.

More to be found at the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Questionable advice...

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Genealogy News - 28th May

The Spring Bank Holiday seems to have temporarily choked the flow of genealogy news. Oh well, let's see what we can dig out...

Some reading to begin with, and the latest Lost Cousins Newsletter + the Bank Holiday edition from S&N Genealogy Supplies.

Big news for Scottish researchers: the launch of the 1895 Valuation Rolls at ScotlandsPeople.

More Scottish news via Chris Paton: Scottish Monumental Inscriptions update.

And yet more for the Scots: don't forget to keep tabs on Electric Scotland's newsletters.

You may wish to catch up with recent developments at TheGenealogist.

Here's the regular history links collection from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

And that's about it. Well, apart from the usual forthcoming events listing...

And remember that there are other oddments to be found via the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Genealogy News - 24th May

Once again, we begin with blogger of all things Irish, Claire Santry, and her report on the terrific news about the island's Civil Registration Indexes. Chris Paton's take on the news is here. Claire also fills us in on more available Church of Ireland records.

Not long before I published this post news broke of the release of over 450,000 new parish records from FindMyPast. The new datasets cover several parts of England, so do at least have a quick look just in case your area of interest is included.

I've been sent a link to a handy 'Interactive People Finder' which genealogists may find useful.

Here's an interesting project from Northumberland, and more specifically Newbiggin-by-the-Sea.

Thanks to @NLIreland on Twitter (among others) for pointing out this great resource for Irish history.

A little news item re. Wales and its libraries can be perused here.

Think you may have an interest in Brompton Cemetery, London? Try this.

Yorkshire researchers may wish to take a look at Chris Paton's post on the subject of Bradford's planned new library.

Latest issue of Irish Roots Magazine.

Interesting theory: our ancestors were smarter than us (thanks to @FamilySearch on Twitter).

Blogger Christine Woodcock has flagged another couple of useful general websites - the first recommendation (for Scots) can be found here and the second (for the whole of the world!) is here.

A tale of conservation from the NLI.

There's a half price offer on historical maps from Ordnance Survey.

The usual Friday stuff from the BBC HistoryExtra website:

And don't forget the BI-Gen Twitter feed!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Genealogy News - 21st May

As is prone to happen from time to time, we have a distinct lull in genealogy-related news at the moment. But here goes anyway...

We'll begin with blogger Claire Santry and her further observations re. the release of the 1926 Irish Census.

The latest GOONS Newsflash is now available.

Here's news of a DNA project for Caithness and Sutherland (thanks to @DebbieKennett on Twitter).

And here are details of an Oxfordshire DNA project (related posts here and here).

There's also an interesting DNA Native Indians-in-Iceland tale here.

Chris Paton informs us of the latest news on the 'Family Tree' TV comedy show, currently airing in the US and due 'over here' in July.

Now available: the latest Offaly History newsletter.

Christine Woodcock points to a couple of avenues for those of us with Scottish rural ancestors.

As for Northern Ireland (and its GRO records), take a look at this post from Chris Paton. And here's some new material for County Down.

Forthcoming events (not a great deal happening!):

And don't forget about the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Way too complicated...

Friday, 17 May 2013

Genealogy News - 17th May

It appears that the organisers of next year's WDYTYA? Fair have tinkered with the dates. The show will now run from Thursday 20th to Saturday 22nd February 2014 - see the official site.

Seafaring ancestors? Then check this out from FMP.

More on that interesting-looking development from MyHeritage - namely their 'Record Detective' feature. Oh, and there's mention of something else from MyHeritage here.

Good news for Peterborough researchers. And there's more from DeceasedOnline here (inc. London news).

If you've English Catholic interests then you should have a look at this useful post.

Those of you with RAF ancestors may be interested in this from TNA.

Need Irish news? Then you'll know that the place to go is Claire Santry's 'Irish Genealogy News' blog. Some of the more prominent stories of late are...

The results of the 2013 Museums & Heritage Awards for Excellence can be found here (thanks to @familytreemaguk on Twitter).

The June issue of Family Tree magazine is now out.

Ah, here are some free resources from Your Family Tree magazine!

A history crossword.

Latest from the BBC...

And two more important things to remember:
  • If you need a family history researcher or any other genealogical service/product then don't forget to peruse the category tabs at the top of this blog (and please mention that you came via the BI-Gen Blog!);
  • And please pop in to visit the BI-Gen Twitter feed for all the latest genealogy news & stories ... and you don't have to be a registered Twitter user to do so!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Genealogy News - 14th May

The latest Lost Cousins newsletter is up for grabs.

Thanks to Claire Santry for the latest on the Irish 1926 Census release.

A major WWI project is in the offing - see Chris Paton's take on the news here.

MyHeritage subscribers will probably already know about the new 'Record Detective' feature of their website - but if not, here's a YouTube clip. Looks pretty neat.

If you're Scottish based and interested in historical newspapers, then please take note of this.

DNA research fans will want to take a look at this from Debbie Kennett's blog.

It's about time we had a look at worldwide genealogy news via the GenealogyInTime newsletter.

Here's the latest batch of history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

Interesting piece on child migrants from TNA's blog.

Here's a brief history of the Huguenots.

Many of you may remember an appeal by genealogist Anthony Adolph for British folk related to Abraham Lincoln ... well, here's how it panned out!

And, of course, here's your forthcoming events:

Remember to also keep an eye on the BI-Gen Twitter feed for the latest news.


And please, PLEASE follow the link to some wonderful old colour footage from the 1920s...

Friday, 10 May 2013

Genealogy News - 10th May

Not a great deal happening this week. Enough, though, to keep us ticking over...

Irish researchers may wish to check out FindMyPast Ireland's online memorial to the Irish Famine.

The ScotlandsPeople May newsletter is available here.

Ever wondered about Northern Ireland and the 1926 Census?

FindMyPast have posted an article on the ancestry of actor Michael Kitchen.

The National Archives' May e-newsletter is here. One of the more prominent news items is the release of 19th century immigration records (see also here).

New exhibition at the National Records of Scotland.

Here's Essex Record Office's May e-bulletin.

Monaghan researchers ... check this out.

Latest TNA Podcast.

Here's a good 'spot' by @GuildOneName on Twitter: a surname distribution tool.

The very latest issue of the completely free Irish Lives Remembered is now available.

And more Irish news via Claire Santry:

Thanks to @DebbieKennett on Twitter for flagging this article on 'What Makes the British'. Debbie also highlights this article about our inter-relatedness.

The usual Friday stuff from the BBC:

And the BI-Gen Twitter feed can be found here.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Genealogy News - 7th May

I'd almost forgotten about this, but of course May is 'Local History Month'. The best there is on offer as regards a central website is (as far as I know) this effort from The Historical Association. Even better ... just pop along to your local library for a booklet and/or relevant guidance. There's lots going on!

Still thinking about joining The National Archives' 'Community' website/forum? Read all about it here.

Here's a regular read that gets better and better: the Institute of Heraldic & Genealogical Studies newsletter.

Have a historical interest in the Essex police force? See here.

Latest newsletter from the Community Archives & Heritage Group.

Here's a useful list which has just been updated: GenealogyInTime's 'First Name Abbreviations'.

Latest Podcast from TNA.

Two useful posts from blogger Chris Paton:

London map enthusiasts may be interested in this from the British Library (thanks to @CharlotteFrost1 on Twitter).

The latest Eneclann newsletter is now available.

Scots Italian? See here (thanks to @ScotlandsPeople on Twitter).

More Scots stuff: the latest issue of 'Broadsheet'.

Need research help or wanna give it? See Mocavo's new service, here.

Here's your weekly collection of history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

Forthcoming events:

And don't forget about the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Thanks, again, to the Two Nerdy History Girls for...

Friday, 3 May 2013

Genealogy News - 3rd May

The May newsletter from S&N Genealogy Supplies is now out - see here. This issue includes some important news items, so don't miss out.

Talking of newsletters, here's the latest effort from the Parish Chest.

Oh, and here's another: the CWGC May e-newsletter.

And there's serious reading to be had with the launch on 1st May of this new genealogy e-mag.

DeceasedOnline have added records for Altrincham to their datasets. Some info can be found here, and no doubt an article will pop up on their blog in due course.

Here's something for Scottish diaries for August.

Ancestry have added a new collection of 'UK City & County Directories' to their website - see here and follow the links.

News re. Oxford wills from

Sad news: Salford Heritage Services to be slashed (via @SpeakUp4Libs on Twitter).

Royal Navy interests? Check this out.

This looks interesting for Irish researchers.

More Irish stuff: updates to the Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives.

Latest from the BBC:

And don't forget the BI-Gen Twitter feed !

I do hope you haven't just eaten...

On a lighter note (I think), more confusion for future genealogists...