Friday, 30 November 2012

Genealogy News - 30th November

The big news this week is the buy-out of by MyHeritage - get it from the horse's mouth here. There's also some equally big news about additional funding for MyHeritage. And MyHeritage's CEO gives his views on developments here.

FindMyPast have released new records pertaining to Doncaster.

And FindMyPast Ireland have added another massive wave of entries to their Petty Sessions records for 1850-1910. See the announcement here, then follow the link for more info (including the identity of the 'new' records). Oh, and here's something else which has just popped up for Irish researchers.

Episode 12 of 'The Family History Show' is now available - including a visit to Essex Record Office.

The British Newspaper Archive celebrates its first birthday by hitting the 6 million page mark. BTW, recently added titles can be found here.

There's yet another (slightly early) release of Peter Calver's Lost Cousins Newsletter. As ever, there are some excellent links and pointers contained therein ... which I'm not going to tell you about so that you are forced to follow the link!

DeceasedOnline have added to their record collection for Bolton. There's a related blog post here.

The National Archives' slow shift from the 30-year to the 20-year rule as regards the release of public records is covered simply and effectively here (note the link at the foot of the piece).

The Christmas issue of WDYTYA? Magazine is now available.

And here's the latest update from Parish Chest.

If you're a regular visitor to PRONI then you may be interested in their end-of-year Digest.

Here are a few Christmas offers from BooksIreland.

Those of you interested in the history of London/Essex may wish to have a look at this important new online resource.

Here's an interesting post on the history of the famous Bronte family.

And, OK, so it seems to be a piece of purely US news, but here's a big development as regards Ancestry and newspaper records.

The usual Friday stuff from the BBC's HistoryExtra website...

Keep in touch with the latest news, etc., by checking out the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

One final thing. This hardly ever happens, so it deserves a mention. A big thank you to a certain reader of mine (who shall remain nameless - you know who you are!) who sent a no-strings-attached donation my way a few days ago. If anyone out there feels that the BI-Gen Blog has been a help to them these past couple of years then please consider sending something my way via the DONATE button in the right-hand column. Thank you!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Genealogy News - 27th November

We'll begin with The National Archives, which has the following on offer:

Check on how construction is going for the new East Sussex Archive.

The latest ScotlandsPeople Newsletter.

Here's an interesting post from the FamilySearch blog. This could turn out to be a very big deal indeed.

Ruth Blair gives us a month's worth of advice on 'Church Records' - bit of a Canadian bias, but still pretty useful.

Here's some more info on that recent DeceasedOnline Scottish memorials record release.

A couple of Irish items from blogger Claire Santry:

Here's your weekly round-up of history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

Forthcoming events are somewhat thin on the ground at this time of year...

And there's always the BI-Gen Twitter feed for the latest news.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Genealogy News - 23rd November have made some additions to two of their London datasets - and access to these record collections is free until Saturday (you need to register on the site first, though). You will note there's a handy 'Focus on London' feature available, too.

Check out the latest additions to DeceasedOnline - this time covering Scotland.

The Welsh genealogy TV series, Coming Home, begins its seventh series tonight (23rd) on BBC 1 Wales - see here. Note that the episodes will be viewable elsewhere in the UK afterwards via the BBC iPlayer.

FindMyPast takes a look at the family tree of TV star Miranda Hart.

Those interested in colonial matters may wish to cast their eyes over this news item from TNA.

A couple of items from the Irish Genealogy News blog:

Blogger Alan Stewart draws our attention to a new military records release at the Family Relatives website. The website itself can be found here.

Birmingham researchers will no doubt be aware of their archives' closure for nigh on a year (well, a good nine months).

I see there's been a substantial update to Ancestry's 'Masters & Mates Certificates' collection, 1850-1927 - see their 'updates page'.

Irish researchers may wish to check out the National Library of Ireland's 20x20 talk notes which have recently gone online. Though they are of limited value to those of us who were not present at the original talks, there is still something to be learned from them.

The 'Abroad in the Yard' blog has an interesting piece on the Mormons genealogical activities.

Blogger John D Reid has highlighted a couple of useful West Midlands resources.

Here's an interesting freebie: 'A Primer in Irish Genealogy' (thanks to @ARebelHand on Twitter).

I seem to remember mentioning this many moons ago, but it's always worth reminding you all of an excellent pointer or two - this time from Christine Woodcock on the subject of children's hospital records (London & Glasgow).

Here's Friday's stuff from the Beeb:

Don't forget to keep in touch over the weekend via the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Oh, and another little plug for my Lulu Storefront. I mention it because Lulu are currently offering 30% off all orders (until 27th) - see their homepage.

100 Years Ago Today...

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Genealogy News - 20th November

The latest - and quite excellent - Lost Cousins Newsletter is now available. Lots of information and items to digest and ponder upon, so do give it a look.

There's more news from DeceasedOnline re. the second batch of Bolton cemetery records (Heaton) to be added to their database. There is a related blog post here.

Audrey Collins has posted a useful article on TNA's blog entitled 'Missing From the Census?'.

The TNA blog has also kicked up this thought-provoking piece from Emily Rumble: 'The Importance of Community Archiving'.

The latest worldwide round-up of genealogy news from GenealogyInTime can be found here.

The latest bulletin from FamilySearch contains reference to records pertaining to Ireland and Kent.

Blogger Alan Stewart brings us a little Armagh news.

There's more Irish news from Claire Santry - Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives developments and the 2nd series of 'The Genealogy Roadshow'.

Ruth Blair and Chris Paton have been blogging about recent shenanigans re. the Scotsman Digital Archive - both points of view can be accessed via the latter's post, here.

Here's the latest TNA Podcast (WWI).

And here's more WWI stuff: the extraordinary story of the 12-year-old soldier.

The weekly round-up of history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls can be found here.

Latest BBC HistoryExtra podcast.

And finally, here's your list of forthcoming events:

More news items can be found at the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

WWI Recruitment...

Friday, 16 November 2012

Genealogy News - 16th November

No truly major genealogical news to report on from the last few days, but there are still a fair few bits and bobs to pass on...

An interesting new development for Cambridgeshire researchers - CAMDEX (summary here, website here).

Suffolk Record Office (Ipswich) has made an important announcement re. a pending closure (scroll down the homepage a bit for the details). Indeed, notices continue to come in almost every day at this time of the year about 'stocktaking closures' around the country, so please remember to check with your archive of interest before travelling.

Researchers from Dorset, London and the Midlands may wish to check out the latest additions to the Ancestry website. Related comment from blogger John D Reid can be found here.

As usual, blogger of all things Irish, Claire Santry, has posted plenty of highly useful news items this week - the highlights being:

A handy boost for the heritage sector from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The FFHS have put out an appeal for more submissions for their 2012 competition - full instructions here.

Can I draw your attention to a special offer from CW & S Parkinson Genealogical Storage. Thanks to Colin for making this offer available to BI-Gen readers.

Here's a fantastic 'Band of Brothers' story (thanks to @F_W_Records on Twitter).

And here's a nice family history story spanning 500 generations from the 'Abroad in the Yard' blog.

A short piece on Scottish tartans.

I see that every episode from Series 1 & 2 of the 'Find My Past TV Show' is available to viewers worldwide.

Fancy a history crossword?

Here's Friday's helping from the BBC:

More news, etc., can be found at the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to me! Why not celebrate by buying my book below...

Read my book about the 1970s on your Kindle or on your 'Kindle for PC' app... 
(it even has a review, now!)

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Genealogy News - 13th November

There isn't an awful lot to report on at the minute, but here goes...

Ireland does OK news-wise today, though. Nothing earth-shattering, but check this lot out:

Back in the UK, if you're involved in 'community heritage' in some shape or form, then you may wish to partake in the 'Community Archive & Heritage Awards'.

Here's your weekly dose of history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

Some important information regarding the Hawick Heritage Hub.

This is a pretty neat website/blog looking at the subject of 'North Churches' (North-East England). Thanks to @CharlotteFrost1 on Twitter for pointing this one out.

The latest TNA podcast looks at the issue of the 'Archives Sector: the Leadership Challenge'. TNA have also asked their online users to complete a survey.

And that's about it - apart from, that is, the usual Tuesday listing of forthcoming events:

And keep in touch with the latest news via the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

From the 'Wonders & Marvels' blog...

Friday, 9 November 2012

Genealogy News - 9th November

President Obama's victory has spurred into offering 20% off all subscriptions - see their homepage for the relevant link (runs until midnight GMT on 11th). They've also published a lengthy article on the president's Irish connections.

Great news for Bolton researchers from DeceasedOnline. There's also a (sort of) related blog post here.

GenesReunited has added a good few new military records to its website - there's a neat summary here. There have been a few other changes to the GenesReunited website, too.

The fact that Remembrance Day falls on a Sunday this year seems to have prompted a bit extra in the way of interest in all things military. In addition to the above, the folk at Ancestry have published a few pointers in this regard - to say nothing of their free access offer during 9th-12th! I would encourage you all to also have a peek at Ancestry's 'updates page' which features plenty of similar (and other) material (Liverpool researchers take note).

Here's an important announcement from FindMyPast regarding a vast array of British newspapers which are now available at their website. Wow!

Claire Santry's 'Irish Genealogy News' blog has been really busy this week. You don't need me to tell you that you really should be following her blog if you've Irish interests - a couple of highlights of late have been the new National Archives of Ireland website/portal and a special WWI Day in Dublin tomorrow (10th).

Another absolute essential 'follow' is Chris Paton's 'British GENES' blog - but I'm sure you're aware of this one, too. Recent posts of particular note are WWI Pension Cards Saved, Genealogy Roadshow Seeks Participants, and Waterford World Wars Newspaper Archive Project.

In case you hadn't spotted the news, the tickets for February's WDYTYA? Live Fair are now on sale. There are plenty of special offers around, too - including Family Tree Magazine's 2 for £25 deal.

TNA have released a little item about the updated version of their Discovery catalogue - and there's a related blog post here. Whilst I'm with TNA's blog I might as well point you in the direction of interesting posts on the conservation of the military tribunal records and the first of a series of posts on WWI research.

Some important breaking news regarding the Birmingham Archives & Heritage service.

The latest announcement from FamilySearch includes material pertaining to the 1871 Census for England & Wales and Northumberland.

Have just spotted this Irish Book Festival which is taking place next week (thanks to @NLIreland on Twitter).

Nothing to do with genealogy, but check out this amazing fact about the British and their foreign adventures.

Nice piece about Scotland's redheads (thanks to @scotsdiaspora on Twitter).

Here's your usual collection of Friday bits and bobs from the BBC's HistoryExtra website:

And there's an interesting little Podcast from the folk at HistoryToday.

More news, etc., is available via the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Not all he's cracked up to be...

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Genealogy News - 6th November

It's time once again for another edition of the marvellous Lost Cousins Newsletter. Plenty of family history stuff in there for everybody, so don't miss it!

Here's the November issue of the National Library of Ireland Newsletter.

The latest issue of 'Irish Lives Remembered' (free) can be viewed here.

Here are some interesting snippets about future 'censuses'.

The latest GenealogyInTime update leads with a few items of interest to British & Irish researchers.

There's some additional info about recent developments at DeceasedOnline re. Aberdeen cemetery records. Related blog post here.

A glut of useful posts from John D Reid's 'Anglo-Celtic Connections' blog:

Chris Paton's blog has, as ever, featured plenty of useful items these past few days. Among them...

Find out about the recently-released December issue of Family Tree Magazine.

Some stats about the Irish in Britain.

Britain's oldest man hits 110.

WWI wills of 9,000 Irish soldiers are to go online. There's also mention of this plus another important Irish record release at Claire Santry's blog.

More from Claire's blog:

If you have a Scottish-Jewish link, then check this out.

Forthcoming events:

More news, etc., available via the BI-Gen Twitter feed.


Check out e-Books4Charity

Among the goods on offer...

Now available on Kindle:

Please leave some feedback on the Amazon website if you've bought a Kindle product of mine. 
BTW, you don't need a Kindle Reader to buy a Kindle version of a book - see here for the 'Kindle for PC' app ... it's what I use - Mick

Another one from 'The Quack Doctor'...

Friday, 2 November 2012

Genealogy News - 2nd November

Lots and lots of newsletters to catch up on, so let's get cracking...

S&N Email News is always worth a look. There's plenty in there for everyone, but Worcestershire researchers will be especially interested this time around.

Here's the latest issue of Essex Record Office's newsletter.

The November issue of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission's newsletter is also now available.

Here's the second instalment from the Ireland Reaching Out team.

There are some interesting Dublin developments at (there's also a special offer in there!).

Elsewhere, there's plenty to report on...

First up, check out new developments at Forces War Records - see their home page, then the little article (and link) at the RH side. You have to register to gain access to their new 'Historic Document' library, and it seems you need to subscribe to get the full benefit from the service. Interesting stuff, though, and well worth checking out.

Here's the latest Podcast from TNA ('Tracing Marriages: legal requirements & actual practice, 1700-1836')

Check out the latest (and lengthy) list of 'browse only' archived book releases from Ancestry.

The December issue of the WDYTYA? Magazine is now available.

The recently-released issue of Your Family History Magazine can be scrutinised here.

Ruth Blair has published a long series of genealogy hints and tips on the subject of 'England'.

Fans of the specialist genealogy search engine, Mocavo, may wish to check out the latest developments concerning the website.

News from the Irish Genealogy News blog (thanks Claire):

And a few good 'spots' from Chris Paton's blog which I hadn't picked up elsewhere:

A helpful review of a recent genealogy book release can be found here (thanks John).

Some of you may be tempted by Christine Woodcock's 'Genealogy Tour of Scotland'.

The usual Friday stuff from the BBC's History Extra website:

More news oddments at the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

From 'The Quack Doctor' blog...