Saturday 6 August 2011

Conferences to Consider


Two forthcoming conferences have come to my attention.  They're still some way off, but it's always best to 'get in there' early if you're at all interested (though I shall also give you a reminder of them a little nearer the time).  Firstly, we have the Scottish Local History Forum Conference in Glasgow on Friday 4th November, which has 'roads' as its central topic.  And then there's the Archives for London Conference on Saturday 29th October, on the subject of 'learning'.

S&N Genealogy have released their August Newsletter.  There's lots to take in, so do follow the link and have at least a quick look.

As you probably know, TheGenealogist comes under S&N's wing, and there are several new record releases pertaining to the central areas of England to be found here.

A flurry of Irish news now.  Firstly, it's worth pointing out that it's 'National Heritage Week' in Ireland during 20th-28th August, so you may want to have a browse of the official website.  There are plenty of bits and pieces of interest to local and family historians.

I notice, too, that there's been an update to the ReadIreland website (follow the link, then click on 'Read Ireland Book News').

Irish culture vultures may also be interested in this post on the Europeana website regarding the Irish Traditional Music Archive.

Welsh film fans may wish to have a look at this post on the National Library of Wales blog.

The newly-opened Oxfordshire History Centre will be closed for the week beginning 15th August - see here.

A couple of Podcasts are available:

The Parish Chest have issued another of their regular updates, here.  As usual, lots of new releases from various companies are listed therein.

And if you're stuck for things to do during this beautiful, bright and sunny month of August, then you may pick up an idea or two from BBC History Magazine's 'Out and About' online feature.


Also on the above BBC website can be found their weekly collection of 'History Headlines', as well as a thought-provoking article on the need for a 'Museum of British History'.  Mmm.

And finally, an important 'P.S.'...

... As I’m away from my computer for a few days from Monday, I’m not going to be able to keep you abreast of developments in the genealogical world.  I hope you will forgive me – it's a bit too much to ask my wife to look after the blog in my absence (!), but I will be sure to catch up on all the gossip on my return and to let you know all the juicy bits.  But I couldn’t possibly leave you with nothing to do, so I have scheduled in a few blog posts in advance.  I do hope they load up properly in my absence*, for there are some interesting things to come.

* Blogger can sometimes let you down when scheduling posts in advance!

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