Saturday 30 April 2011

Getting it Out of Our Systems


I shall get the Royal remnants out of the way first.  To be honest, there's only the one item worth mentioning, and that's the major news release by S&N Genealogy.  Always plenty of interesting things in their updates, with the latest issue trying to persuade us to check out our own potential royal connections.  If any other Royal stuff of interest trickles through I shall let you know - I wouldn't bet against it.

The National Library of Ireland has updated its events and exhibitions listings.  Its homepage is here, with the following direct links to its events and exhibitions.  A reminder about the library's revised opening times, too, here.

Irish researchers will also want to have a read of Eneclann's latest news release.

And the latest issue of Discover My Past - Scotland has been published - see here.


More TV & Radio listings can be found here.  I know they're late, but they've only just appeared online today - perhaps they had a day off yesterday!


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