Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Genealogy News - 26th February

Fall-out from the weekend's WDYTYA? Live! Fair is, well, everywhere! To catch up on the same you can do little better than scour Chris Paton's blog (you'll have to scroll down and click around a bit, such is the amount of news on his blog!). Included in Chris's reports are some interesting updates from TheGenealogist website and the big Tayroots Family History Day in Dundee on 5th April - so look out for them.

Elsewhere, we'll begin with that most excellent piece of fortnightly news, the latest Lost Cousins newsletter.

FindMyPast have some new Boer War records.

Here's the latest from DeceasedOnline's efforts in East London.

Good news for Essex researchers - have a look at this little lot.

Mocavo have launched their own online Family Tree Viewer.

A couple of handy posts from Christine Woodcock:

Irish blogger, Claire Santry, offers the following:

The usual round-up of history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

The latest sale from Pen & Sword Books (inc. a genealogy books offer).

The latest newsletter from the National Library of Scotland can be found here.

Forthcoming events...

Don't forget to keep in touch with the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

From The Wellcome Library blog...

Friday, 22 February 2013

Genealogy News - 22nd February

For those of you not attending the first day of the WDYTYA? Live! Fair in London, here's the latest news from the family history world...

FindMyPast have unveiled their latest major record set, namely their 'Crime, Prison & Punishment' records. Here's the National Archives' take on the news. Oh, and hello, here's some free credits! (check out my previous post from Tuesday for a few more Fair tips, including the Ancestry Academy Livestream).

Also from FMP (news just breaking!) is the pending digitisation of millions of parish records from Yorkshire dating back to 1538. Nothing official on their website at the time of writing, but it seems that the whole of the county and all of the archives in question will be involved. Wow! More details soon, no doubt.

Here's an important announcement from the guys at Mocavo - it's all about their new partnership with FreeBMD.

I haven't flagged this for ages: Ancestry's 'updates page' (new London & Lancashire stuff).

More Lancashire news here.

Latest TNA Podcast.

Here's an interesting event lined up for Dublin next month. And the latest Eneclann e-newsletter is now available, too.

Here's the latest Podcast from Nick Barratt (College of Arms).

Could this be the start of REALLY cheap DNA tests?

Here's the beginning of the 3rd series of the US version of WDYTYA?

Thanks to Alan Stewart for pointing out a great new website on Edinburgh's history.

Blogger Chris Paton provides a neat summary of recent news from the Scottish Genealogy Society.

Latest issue of 'Family Tree' magazine.

The March issue of 'HistoryToday' is now with us.

The spring issue of 'Irish Roots' magazine is now available.

This news may interest heritage groups.

Claire Santry provides the latest update from Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives. Oh, and here's her list of forthcoming Irish events ... and Dublin researchers may wish to take a look at this.

Fancy giving birth to TWO sets of identical twins in the same day?

From FMP - Famous Family Trees: Kate Winslet.
And from FMP Ireland: Famous Family Trees: Daniel Day Lewis.

The usual end-of-week stuff from the BBC:

Latest news, etc., can be found at the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Save 15% on membership between 22 – 28 February using promo code WDYTYA13. Search over 580 million family history records and start connecting with family - past and present - on Genes Reunited. Click below...

Animal antics...

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Genealogy News - 19th February

You don't have to look very far on the internet to find news of the forthcoming WDYTYA? Live! Fair. The official site is here. Also, TNA provide their take on proceedings here; and Chris Paton provides some invaluable advice, here. Oh, and if you're not going then it may be worth keeping an eye on Ancestry's live stream.

FMP Ireland have some new Irish memorial inscriptions available. The same folk are also currently running a subscription offer.

The S&N Genealogy e-newsletter is always worth a look. A good few new record releases, WDYTYA Fair news and a competition are all among the items on offer.

If you're interested in the digital side of genealogy then you may wish to learn a little about the forthcoming RootsTech conference in the States. Get a UK perspective on this major event from Audrey Collins.

Records for Perthshire and Sutherland have been added to the ScotlandsPlaces OS Name Books site.

The latest worldwide genealogy round-up is provided by GenealogyInTime.

Here's an interesting piece about human evolution.

Latest TNA Podcast.

Interested in Offaly history?

Here's a book review which you may find useful.

If you're a user of the 'Family Historian' software package then you may wish to take a look at their latest bulletin.

Thanks to Tom Morgan for pointing out the following resource for genealogy linkshttp://freepeoplesearch.org/88-must-have-resources-for-the-online-genealogist.html

Here's your monthly history crossword from HistoryToday.

Forthcoming events...

Save 15% on membership between 22 – 28 February using promo code WDYTYA13. Search over 580 million family history records and start connecting with family - past and present - on Genes Reunited. Click below...

From The Quack Doctor...

Friday, 15 February 2013

Genealogy News - 15th February

Gosh, this year's been slow-going news-wise. Must be the build-up to next week's WDYTYA? Live! Fair which is occupying everybody's minds, I suppose! Anyway, here's what I have for you this Friday...

I have just noticed that GenesReunited has a YouTube Channel.

More interesting info on the recent Richard III discovery. For those who would like a basic grounding in the story of the controversial king, see Ros Bott's article, here.

The latest news from the GOONS can be found here.

A reminder about the latest developments from DeceasedOnline (London & West Yorkshire news + a competition).

MyHeritage has added millions of new records.

Spotted on the Anglo-Celtic Connections blog:

And, as usual, blogger of all things Irish, Claire Santry, has come up with plenty this week, including...

Several bloggers have reminded us of the forthcoming conference on migration in September (in Leicestershire).

OK, so it's from North America, but you may find this new online magazine of some interest.

Here's a little more info on those Irish WWI Wills from FMP.

Chris Paton's blog has this interesting piece of news re. the Boer War and related records.

Audrey Collins has some FamilySearch tips.

The usual end-of-week items from the Beeb...

If you follow me on Twitter, you will have noted the following strange items...

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Genealogy News - 12th February

The latest Lost Cousins Newsletter is now available - including news of their forthcoming forum.

DeceasedOnline have released new records for East London (and they have a competition, too).

You may wish to consider booking for the GOONS' next seminar (Trades Unions) in Coventry in May.

The latest Podcast from TNA is entitled 'The Will Forgeries: a forgotten sensation'.

Dick Eastman's blog carries an interesting DNA-related story about the pursuit of a cure for diabetes.

The National Library of Wales is calling for volunteers - see here.

FMP Ireland have some news about WWI Irish Soldiers' Wills.

More Irish news (TV stuff) from Claire Santry.

A couple of interesting posts from Chris Paton:

A useful genealogy book review.

The weekly history links round-up from the Two Nerdy History Girls can be found here.

I forgot to mention this on Friday: the latest BBC History Podcast.

Nice piece about the origins of the British Library.

Here are your forthcoming events...

And there's always the BI-Gen Twitter feed for more news, etc.

From the MyHeritage blog...

Friday, 8 February 2013

Genealogy News - 8th February

In the current climate it is something of a wonder that the powers-that-be are even allowing us to celebrate our libraries tomorrow, on what is being billed as 'National Libraries Day'. Check out the dedicated website and see if you can get along to an event to show your support.

Ancestry's latest release is their Manchester Parish Records Collection 1541-1985.

More news about TNA's catalogue, Discovery, can be found here.

Thanks to @ARebelHand on Twitter (and others) for pointing out that the latest issue of the free online magazine, Irish Lives Remembered, is now available.

The latest bulletin from Parish Chest is now available (remember to scroll down for the latest releases).

Essex researchers will want to check out the latest newsletter from the Essex Record Office.

Staffordshire researchers will be interested to note that a major digitisation project of the county's archives is in the early stages of planning - thanks to Claire Santry for flagging the relevant link, here.

More historical tax rolls have been added to the ScotlandsPlaces website (follow link and see left-hand side).

TNA's February e-newsletter is now up for grabs.

I am sure that you will all find this relationship calculator helpful.

The usual Friday stuff from the BBC:

Don't forget the BI-Gen Twitter feed for the latest news.

And finally, can I remind all you genealogy-related businesses out there about yesterday's brief post.

From 'Forces War Records'...

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Deadline Looms

Just a short post to remind all of you out there who run a genealogy-related business of the deadline date of 10th February for the revamping of the 'Directory of Services' section of this blog.

You may or may not already be listed in one or more of the categories in the tabs above - but, either way, I'm gonna start culling the lists next week, leaving only those who have paid the minimum 'subscription' of £5 to remain in situ. Thanks to those of you who have so far coughed up - please get in touch with me at micksouthwick@blueyonder.co.uk if you want to jump aboard, too. The listings are going to be much reduced, so any businesses that remain will be quite prominent!

For full details of the guidelines click on the 'About BI-Gen' tab above, then scroll down a few paragraphs to the section beginning 'The DIRECTORY of SERVICES...'

If you've any questions, ask via the email address above.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Genealogy News - 5th February

In case you've been on another planet these past few days, I feel I'd better begin with the most obvious news item. Arguably the biggest genealogy-related news story to hit the headlines for many a year is the small matter of the 'king in the car park' find of Richard III's remains. It'll not take you long to find the story online - but here's a brief overview from the BBC. The rather eccentric Channel 4 programme on the topic as shown last night can be found here. What a story, eh? Hopefully, we'll learn a little more about the genealogy/genetics involved with a further TV special in due course (please?).

The SoG blog has a helpful guide to the Caird Library at the National Maritime Museum.

Military enthusiasts will be interested in TNA's latest podcast.

FindMyPast Ireland have released new Roscommon records.

Want to search the IGI using batch numbers? See this post by Nick Thorne.

Blogger Audrey Collins reminds us that things were a good deal different in the old days with her post 'No Paperwork Required'.

Here's the latest National Library of Ireland e-newsletter. And there's more from the same part of the world with the latest 'Ireland Reaching Out' newsletter.

The latest bulletin from the Community Archives & Heritage Group is available here.

Plenty of advance notice about this year's Catholic FHS Day Conference & AGM.

The usual round-up of entertaining history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

TNA gives us more re. LGBT Month.

Back to Ireland with blogger Claire Santry: latest Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives news and a new County Clare book.

Two good spots by Chris Paton: Hants Record Office workshops and Islay FHS to close.

Last shout for the special offer/appeal from professional genealogist, Anthony Adolph - see my blog post of 29th January, and scroll down a bit (offer ends 6th February).

There's virtually nothing happening, events-wise, at the moment...
  • Firstly, there are no local or family history fairs this weekend of which I know, nor have any book fairs been brought to my attention;
  • There are a few upcoming Postcard Fairs (please check with organisers before travelling a long way);
  • Some Irish events;
  • And you can always try the History Section of the BBC's 'Things To Do' page.

Don't forget to check in regularly at the BI-Gen Twitter feed for more bits and bobs (most of which don't make it onto this blog).

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Something for the Weekend 16

Carlo from the DNA testing company EasyDNA has offered to pen a brief and basic article on his particular area of expertise. So here we go...

Information about Ancestry DNA testing and Genealogy

A good number of people often associate deoxyribonucleic acid (
DNA) with paternity cases and criminal investigations. However, ancestry DNA testing is a new technique used to trace one's ancestry and help complete a genealogy tree. Rummaging through old photos with relatives and seeking out family stories is of course one small aspect of learning your ancestry. But ancestry testing takes things to a genetic level. This type of testing allows the reconstructing of family lineage or ancestral origins via the analysis of a person’s DNA. Ancestry testing can aid in the determination of whether two individuals share the same ancestors or are even biologically related in the first place.

Ancestry DNA testing is now becoming an important component element of genealogy research. Ancestral origins testing and genealogy research are helpful in tracing family descent and history and genealogists often resort to such tests to help them confirm lineage. This allows many to learn about their personal ancestry and history in an accurate way. A DNA test can be done to confirm whether two people share a common paternal ancestry or perhaps maternal ancestry.

Maternal and Paternity Lineage

Maternal ancestry can be determined by analyzing what is known as MtDNA, or mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA is a special type of DNA which is passed down the maternal lines and tends to undergo mutations very seldom. Any two people who share the same MtDNA blueprint also share the same lineage from their maternal side. Through MtDNA testing, scientists can also work back to ancient maternal origins and tell the individuals tested which studied ethnic groups their maternal ancestors came from. They can, furthermore, tell what geographical regions their maternal ancestors are associated with.

Paternal lineage is also quite simple to establish by testing the Y chromosome. Males who share the same Y blueprint also share a common paternal line. The only drawback in this test is the fact that females cannot directly test their paternal lineage as they do not have Y chromosomes. However, they can simply ask a willing male relative to provide a sample of their DNA and use this sample to discover her paternal lineage.

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

SNP’s (single nucleotide polymorphisms) are changes at various points in the genetic code from person to person, which allows each generation to recombine. There are two processes used namely: hapblock matching (counting the number and sizes of matches from one point to another) and bio geographical analysis (matching an individual’s SNP frequencies to that of the geographic population’s origins).

Companies that provide ancestry DNA tests like easyDNA have access to huge databases of information. In these databases they have the genetic information of most of the studied anthropological groups. What they do is compare your DNA with the DNA of the various anthropological groups to see which of these groups share a DNA profile that is most similar to yours. Once they have connected you with your ancient ancestors, they can also directly link you to your geogenetic origins; in other words, they can tell you what part of the world your ancestors originated from. This is possible because scientists and anthropologists have connected the anthropological groups they have studied to their region of origin.

Ancestry DNA testing and genealogy are undoubtedly very important tools within the field of ancestry and genealogy. Such tests are offered by various online companies that may assist you in your voyage to discover your roots. Tracing your roots may be a very informative and life changing experience for many and with ancestry DNA testing offered, you have chance to do just that.

By Carlo Lamanna Chapelle

If anyone else would like to pen a short article on any aspect of genealogy (and maybe even give their company, product or publication a little plug) then email me at micksouthwick@blueyonder.co.uk .

Friday, 1 February 2013

Genealogy News - 1st February

Welcome to February. First up is an interesting development from York in the shape of the UK's first 'staff-led mutual library & archive service'. I have to confess that I'm not sure what to make of it...

If you're into maps and Scottish research then check out this little lot.

And the Scottish Registers of Sasines are examined by Kirsty Wilkinson.

Irish researchers may wish to take a glance at this announcement from FindMyPast Ireland. And Cavan genealogists will want to check this out.

Catholic (London) researchers may wish to follow the link in this very short blog post.

Here's something else for Londoners: a prestigious-looking family history talk(s).

The beginning of LGBT History Month is celebrated at TNA's blog.

OK, so it's a couple of days late, but I've only just fell upon this colour film of Winston Churchill's funeral on 30th January 1965.

Rather more lengthy is a video of an entertaining lecture from the Gresham College website - and I'll let blogger John D Reid make the introductions, here.

The BBC's HistoryExtra website has the following...

For a special offer from professional genealogist, Anthony Adolph, check out my previous blog post (scroll to bottom of post).

And over the last few days I've highlighted a few interesting articles on the BI-Gen Twitter feed. For example, take a look at this one about the Russian family who lived isolated from the world for 42 years!

Always worth a look...