Monday 7 May 2012

Genea Reading 'Catch-up'!

Peter Calver has released his latest Lost Cousins Newsletter - a bumper edition, I reckon, and a great read, as ever!

S&N Genealogy Supplies' latest 'Email News' bulletin is certainly worth a look, too, with a fair sprinkling of new releases and special offers.

Another round-up worth a few moments of your time is the latest offering from the GenealogyInTime website - see their list of 'Newest Genealogy Records on the Internet' for a decent global summary. I also quite like this effort from the same website: Ten effective strategies for building a family tree.

Irish researchers will want to have a look at the latest Eneclann newsletter (including a county focus on Cavan and Monaghan).

More reading can be found via the latest round-up of history links on the Two Nerdy History Girls' blog.

A new article has popped up on the FamilySearch website on the subject of the Assize Court Records of England & Wales.

Researchers with an interest in Aberdeen will most certainly be interested in the latest announcement from DeceasedOnline, who have added further entries to their holdings for St.Peter's Churchyard.

West Midlands researchers should seriously consider 'following' @BMSGH on Twitter, where many useful research leads/websites have been flagged of late. BMSGH also recommend this handy-looking general website for us all: Parishmouse.

And thanks to James McLaren for reminding us that Wednesday 9th May will not be a good day to try and visit facilities in Jersey - as it's a bank holiday (Liberation Day).

More news, etc., available via the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

A couple of splendid 'spots' from the always-entertaining 'Questionable Advice & Advertisements' blog...

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