Thursday 24 May 2012

Bits from Ancestry and Ireland

The more observant among you may have noticed the appearance of another record set on Ancestry. As their 'updates page' states, this is described as 'UK, Poll Books and Electoral Registers, 1538-1893.' Various commentators have tried to ascertain exactly what is included within the same, but as the data-set was complied from the holdings of the London Metropolitan Archives, I think you get the general idea - basically, English records, primarily from the south-east (but not exclusively). May be worth a quick rummage.

A couple of sources (bloggers Chris Paton and Claire Santry) have flagged another forthcoming event of note: a Book & Map Fair on Monday 4th June at the Battle of the Boyne Visitor Centre, Co.Meath - see here. BTW, Claire also mentions a couple of Irish local history courses/schools coming up later this year, here and here.

Might as well stay in Ireland for this really interesting YouTube video about how historians have recreated records 'lost' in the infamous bombardment of the Four Courts in 1922.

An interesting item has popped up on the Family Tree Magazine blog about the so-called 'Nation of Storytellers' project by self-publishing outfit Blurb (closing date is 31st May).

Those keen for as much Jubilee news as they can get their hands on may wish to take a look at the latest announcement from TNA re. relics of Queen Victoria's two big days in 1887 and 1897.

More news and stories available via the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Simpler times...

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