Monday 19 March 2012

Libraries Fight Goes On, of Course

The recent passing of the SpeakUpForLibraries rally in London does not, of course, signal the end of the fight. If you need a spur to lend your weight to the on-going campaign, then check out this depressing set of bullet-points.

A couple of St.Patrick's Day offers linger on:

The latest Lost Cousins newsletter is now available.

A low-key, but important, news item has popped up on the 'Local Studies Group Blog' concerning the 'Henley Review of Cultural Education'.

The BBC's 'History Headlines' for the week can be perused here.

The Two Nerdy History Girls give us their usual round-up of entertaining history links, here.

John D Reid is running a short 'genealogy activity survey'.

John also flags the 'Hidden East Anglia' website.

And here's the latest HistoryToday crossword.

From Twitter:

By the way, if you're on Twitter and you hadn't already spotted it, check out my 'free PDF' offer at the top of the RH column of this blog. But remember you have to email me to specifically request a copy (it's not done automatically, 'cos I need your email address!).

The Genealogist - UK census, BMDs and more online

Today's 'strange story' is a tale from the HistoryToday website...

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