Monday 12 December 2011

Irish Publications


A couple of websites have thrown up a good few Irish books for your consideration. The publications arm of the Ulster Historical Foundation, BooksIreland, have compiled a list of 'Latest Releases' which looks rather tasty. Ditto the selection offered in the latest Eneclann Newsletter (which also has a 'Focus' on County Down).

Blogger Chris Paton has brought to our attention the publication of the annual review of the National Library of Scotland - and his post also mentions the uploading of several thousand new maps onto the NLS's website! Chris has also posted news (and personal comment) about some minor changes at the ScotlandsPeople Centre - see here.

In England, tomorrow (13th December) is the scheduled date for the reopening of the Lincolnshire Archive Search Room. At the time of writing, the relevant website seems to indicate that this is still the plan - though the car park will still be out of bounds. Best give them a ring before travelling.

If you're an active member of a 'Community Archive/Heritage Group', you may be interested in the '2011 Community Archive Award'. Closing date for nominations is 31st December.

And for those of you who like to follow genealogist Nick Barratt's adventures, see his latest blog post here.


London researchers may be interested in the 'London Historians' website - and the related blog.


GenealogyInTime has a lengthy article of hints and tips regarding Online Genealogy Searches.

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The Genealogist - UK census, BMDs and more online

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