Thursday 2 August 2012

FMP & Ireland, Mainly

FindMyPast, who have had an exceptional past few weeks in terms of record releases - to say nothing of the small matter of the launch of US-based - have given old and new users of their site a nice boost with this piece of news about old credits.

Potential problems in Northern Ireland. From the horse's mouth:

Due to the potential of industrial action by NIPSA members from 1st August 2012, PRONI visitors are advised that there may be disruption to service during late evening opening.  If you are planning to visit PRONI on a Thursday evening, please contact PRONI prior to your visit for information on the availability of services.
Website at

Interesting news for Sussex researchers.

A warning about the dangers of giving one person (namely, an elected mayor) too much power from Doncaster.

New records for Ballymena have popped up on the Emerald Ancestors website.

Yet more Irish news from the Irish Genealogy News blog:

Though there is an interesting piece on the Daily Mail website about illness 'fashions', it does make you wonder why good money is being spent on the research project in question!

More news, etc., available via the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Epitaph from unknown location:

Here lies, alas! poor Roger Norton,
Whose sudden death was oddly brought on;
Trying one day his corns to mow off,
The razor slipped and cut his toe off!
The toe, or rather what it grew to,
An inflammation quickly flew to;
The part then took to mortifying,
Which was the cause of Roger's dying.

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