Monday 13 August 2012

Change of Tack

Hello all. For those of you tuning in hoping for a daily dose of genea news, well, there's been a change of plan - a re-think, if you like - here at BI-Gen Towers.

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I will still be bringing you all the usual stuff here on the BI-Gen Blog - links to news, stories, articles and the occasional bit of fun - but I have decided to post two giant posts per week instead of the almost daily instalments I have provided in the past. I shouldn't imagine that the change will make the slightest difference to you, the reader; but it will free up a fair bit of time for yours truly. And there's a reason for this.

It is a bit of an experiment, but for the moment I'm planning on posting two lengthy updates per week, probably on Tuesdays and Fridays - and of course I shall keep plugging away on my BI-Gen Twitter feed on pretty much a daily basis.  If there is any benefit for the reader, it'll be that you only have to call in once or twice per week, where you'll find only the one or two posts to wade through to catch up on all the family history news.

But what, I hear you ask, do I need the extra time for? Do I have a new high-powered job in the City? Am I the man behind the rumoured buy out? Am I going into training for the 2016 Olympics? No, no and, er, no. But I am turning a big idea around in my head and wondering how best to go about it - and I'll (hopefully) be in a position soon to tell you all about it.

So stick around.

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