Monday 16 July 2012

Let the Genea Week Begin...

We'll begin the week with that most essential item of reading, the latest Lost Cousins newsletter!

Next we have a couple of posts from Claire Santry's 'Irish Genealogy News' blog:

Here's a pretty comprehensive breakdown of what's in the new issue of Family Tree magazine.

If you're English and you enjoy using Twitter, then you may wish to participate in Tuesday evening's #Englandhour - see here.

If you've ever fancied joining the Society of Genealogists now could be the time.

The GenealogyInTime website has a nice (worldwide) summary of recent record additions to the Internet.

I found this piece about conserving old newspapers quite enlightening - and was somewhat surprised (and a little alarmed!) to discover that these old relics can actually be washed!

Here's the latest Podcast from TNA (Magna Carta).

Fancy a History crossword?

Check out the weekly history links round-up from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

An interesting question posed by the MyHeritage blog - but check out the splendid video!

More stuff at the BI-Gen Twitter feed (though it has been a bit quiet of late!).

Sir Christopher Wren's epitaph at St Paul's Cathedral, London:

Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice  

[Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you

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