Friday 27 July 2012

Back After My Break

It's been over a week since I last posted to the blog - I do apologise for the absence - and I now have rather a lot of catching up to do! Anyway (and in no particular order) I shall attempt to do just that - and I'll start by trawling through the 100+ emails which awaited my return...

Pretty much the first thing I noticed was the 'recent releases' page at Ancestry - do give it a glance if you're interested in Midlands trade directories or Lancashire research (some other stuff has also been updated).

DeceasedOnline have added yet more London records to their holdings. Click here, and see bottom right of their homepage for the link - or see here.

Blogger Dick Eastman has a couple of interesting posts:

I see that the WDYTYA? Magazine has begun producing Podcasts - see here for their first instalment.

The latest Eneclann Newsletter features important Irish military news + focuses on Armagh and Tyrone.

I see the National Library of Scotland's 'Events' page has been updated.

Fancy a genealogy cruise? Check this out - and there's a list of future cruises here.

GenealogyInTime have issued another worldwide records update (listing by country here).

Fans of the ever-excellent Gresham College, London, may wish to check out their latest announcement.

Those of you who use GenesReunited to store their family tree will want to read the latest blog post on the topic.

As it's a Friday, there's the usual from the BBC's History Extra website:

There's much, much more to report on - but I think that's enough to be cluttering your brain with today. I'll be back tomorrow (Saturday) with another news report. And I shall try to get back into the swing of things on Twitter later today.

Astonishing advice from times past...

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