Tuesday 11 October 2011

'The Genealogist' Developments


There have been some interesting and important developments at TheGenealogist/S&N recently. Obviously, most of the stuff concerns subscriber services, but it's worth knowing about all the same. I can do no better than refer you to their October newsletter, where you can read all about it. Look out for their new 'Marriage Finder Tool', some new 'Biographies/Who's Who' records, some Catholic releases - and a few other bits and bobs, too.

The latest Lost Cousins newsletter is also available. This offering is a bumper edition, with absolutely loads of interesting reading. I'm not even going to begin to describe what's in there, so you'll have to have a look for yourself, here!

I occasionally receive programmes of forthcoming events at our record offices and libraries (more, please!), and the latest update which has fallen into my lap is that from Essex Record Office.  Now, ERO will be launching their 'Essex Ancestors' pay-to-browse subscription service on 17th (more on that next week), but in the meantime you might want to check out what's left of their 2011 programme of talks, etc., by having a look here. Their website can be found here.

Talking of events, here's what we have for the next few days...

Also, a reminder that a rather large event is also taking place in Dublin during 21st-23rd October, namely, the Back to Our Past extravaganza. FindMyPast Ireland are gearing up for the same with this announcement.

One more thing. A spot by blogger Chris Paton, being a set of new Facebook services on offer from FamilySearch. Take in Chris's post here, where you will find the links in question.

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