Monday 11 July 2011

Irish Round-Up


Ireland gets us under way today as we turn to the Irish Genealogy News blog for a neat little summary of news and events.  A couple of the items have slipped under my radar, so I would urge you to take a look if Irish research is your thing.

There's another interesting Irish story regarding the possibility of a new genealogy centre for Dublin.  Chris Paton takes the credit for this one - see here.

Oh, and I've just found out that PRONI (Public Record Office of Northern Ireland) will be closed to the public on 12th & 13th July.

Ancestry users may be interested in the following two snippets.  Firstly, there's the new look; then there's news of a forthcoming revamp to their Newsletter.  To get the latter, all you need to do is register at their website for free and this gets you onto the mailing list (as far as I can tell).

Those with Jewish roots may be interested in this item spotted by John Reid.


The Family Recorder blog has a helpful piece on the Army List.

And The Nosey Genealogist offers a few paragraphs on Wills.


An unusual census entry has been tracked down by the folks at FindMyPast: a wizard on the 1911 returns!


Birth of...
Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, 1274.

1987:  World population officially breaks through the 5,000,000,000 barrier - double that of 1950.

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