Saturday 16 July 2011

Family History Show


You're probably as keen as I am when it comes to catching any sort of televisual coverage of genealogical matters, so you'll be thrilled to learn of a new YouTube Channel devoted to the topic called the 'Family History Show'.  A few blogs have mentioned it in the last day or so, and there's a nice intro, etc., to be found on the ScotGen blog, where you can follow the links to the website in question.  Obviously, it's early days with this exciting new venture, but let's hope it takes off.  Good luck to Dr Nick Barratt and his team.

FindMyPast and the SoG have launched a new Business Index Collection, being an amalgam of various directory entries, etc., from the period 1893-1927.

TNA have launched a publications sale which looks very tasty indeed.  P&P is free if you spend over £15, I believe, too - so get in there while you can.  Some of the deals are exceptional value, with up to 80% off!

Peter Calver has produced another fabulous Lost Cousins Newsletter.  Lots and lots (and lots) of interesting stuff in the latest issue, and plenty of hints and tips.  I shall not even begin to try to cover all the topics - but would instead urge you to have a look for yourself.

TNA have issued an updated version of their Discovery Service for you to have a tinker with - and to provide feedback on.  And their latest Podcast (Battle of Towton) is up and running.

The BBC have also issued another Podcast (Henry VII + medieval documents).

And I hope you will excuse my local bias, but we're all very proud of the story here in the North-East of England about Europe's oldest surviving complete book and the national campaign for it to be purchased for the nation.  An astonishing historical relic - and £9million quid's worth, too.


FindMyPast have produced another lengthy and fascinating article on understanding and interpreting old photographs (by Jayne Shrimpton) - see here.


I would just like to say that that there are plenty of newly-spotted websites in the above mentioned Lost Cousins Newsletter.  The website, in particular, looks like a cracker, with some great offers up for grabs.

I've still got some items to pass onto you, but shall leave it there for now as you've plenty to keep you going!  Do pay me another visit on Monday....

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