Tuesday 7 June 2011

Look Back to the '60s


The National Archives has set up a resource for those studying 1960s Britain.  See their news release, here, where you will find all the details and relevant links.  After having a quick look, I must admit it looks rather neat.


Lost Cousins' latest newsletter is now available, providing, as it does, a summary of recent family history news.  Most of the items have been covered on BI-Gen, but there are a couple of snippets which are new to me:  'Searching for Family History Using Google' and 'FamilySearch Re-instates Batch Numbers' are certainly worth a read.  There are also a few other bits and pieces worth running your eye over, so do have a look.

The British Library has been involved in the development and release of a new 'App' for the iPad called the '19th Century Historical Collection'.  It all sounds pretty spectacular - see here for full details.

I only mention an overseas news item if it's major, and I think MyHeritage's recent purchase of the substantial Polish genealogy website Bliscy.pl just about qualifies.  If you're interested, click here.

A few fairs are coming our way this weekend, thus:


Some useless information for the statos among you can be found here, from FindMyPast.

1 comment:

  1. Mick,

    Regards studying the 1960s: the Jersey Museum (part of Jersey Heritage, who also run the Archive) are currently putting on a special exhibition called "All Our Yesterdays" - which looks at life in the Island between the 1950s and 1980s. Details are at http://www.jerseyheritage.org/events/all-our-yesterdays-the-people-s-exhibition-1950s-to-1980s

    Jason Castledine, who is curating the exhibition, has written a guide which is available from Jersey Heritage (Not yet via their website, but I've seen it in print at Archive reception)


