Tuesday 25 June 2013

Genealogy News - 25th June

Potentially explosive news for us genealogists from the legal corridors of the EU (thanks to @YourFamTreemag on Twitter).

From the keyboard of Chris Paton: a useful report on the PRONI User Forum Meeting (note the very last item - a major fair and a conference!). Thanks for that, Chris. And thanks, too, for this useful and informal guide to visiting PRONI.

Fancy meeting the top dog at The National Archives next month? Click here for more info.

TNA's online bookshop is to be re-vamped - see here.

Those of you who follow the adventures of the Scottish Genealogy Network will wish to take in this blog post.

A little update from the British Newspaper Archive.

Here's the latest (and very impressive) newsletter from the Institute of Heraldic & Genealogical Studies.

I see that PAF (Personal Ancestral File), the family tree programme launched by FamilySearch in 1984, is to be discontinued.

If you think you might be interested in Derry's Great Parchment Book, then check out this blog post.

The latest Eneclann newsletter can be found here. As you can see, the first story indicates that the Genealogy Advisory Service at the NLI is set to continue.

The National Library of Wales has put out an appeal entitled 'Calling all clubs & societies'.

Those of us who are fans of the Europeana website/blog may wish to sign the petition to keep the organisation alive.

And here's your weekly round-up of entertaining history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

Forthcoming events:
And I hope you don't mind an advance 'plug' for a major event in September which is right on my doorstep:
at Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

More news and articles at the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your article, I have been looking for this for a long time
