Friday 5 April 2013

Genealogy News - 5th April

As it's still a little quiet news-wise, I'll begin with a bit of self-promotion...

For those of you who have yet to secure a copy of the Family & Local History Quiz Book (see right-hand column), check out the free quiz from the same which appears in the latest issue of the excellent FFHS 'Really Useful Information Leaflet' - it's on page 15. The Quiz Book may have been published over a year ago but it's still in print and available in many formats - including a very cheap Kindle version - and it never goes out of date!

OK, then, onto the news...

A couple of announcements from The National Archives:

New plans for Nottinghamshire Archives.

Latest newsletter from Parish Chest (remember to scroll down for the new releases).

New Bedford records from DeceasedOnline.

Here's an extraordinary story about a Soldier's Prayer Book.

This is a sad (and poignant) piece ... haunting photos of Alzheimer's patients (thanks to @traceydw on Twitter).

You may have heard the 'Tom Cruise is Irish' story - if not, here's a version of the same.

Some interesting news from Guernsey (thanks to James McLaren).

OK, so it's news from the US, but the new-fangled Digital Public Library of America will be of interest to us all. As it happens, the British Library has announced something similar for the UK - though it doesn't sound quite as far-reaching, access-wise.

It's not too late (I think) to book your place on the 'Funding Your Community Archive' event at Essex Record Office on 16th April.

The usual Friday stuff from the BBC's HistoryExtra website:

More news and stories available at the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Advice for youngsters...

And also - 

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