Wednesday 8 February 2012


As is usually the case with prominent anniversaries and events, I often come across blog posts and articles a day or two late but still consider them worthy of a mention. I shall not insult your powers of observation by pointing out the many, many RootsTech reports and summaries littering the Blogosphere (you can rake over a few of the sources mentioned in my previous posts if you must), but the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens' birth (yesterday) is worth revisiting briefly. This post on the FindMyPast blog is worth a look, with some choice pickings from the archives; Ancestry are basing a competition around the man; and, finally, Audrey Collins provides a neat link between Dickens' work and a lesson from history, here.

Another anniversary which has recently passed us by was the Queen's accession to the throne sixty years ago (6th February). MyHeritage provide a nice look back at her ancestry here.

As for 'proper' genealogical news, TNA's website is worth a visit, with three recent items of note:

Irish researchers will be required to click through to Claire Santry's Irish Genealogy News blog for the latest news round-up (Louth County Museum, new book, London's Irish immigrants, updated websites ... and some deserved praise for Claire's blog!).

The latest Pharos bulletin is now available, with plenty of genealogy courses up for grabs.

And you may care to browse 'Ruth's Recommendations' for the week, which always provide a bit of interesting extra reading (including more RootsTech talk).

From Twitter:

Now available in the UK
The NEW Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner from MyHistory
(click below)

I shall leave today's 'funny' in the hands of the excellently entertaining 'Two Nerdy History Girls'...

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