Wednesday 25 May 2011

Welsh Telly Programmes


I discovered this one quite by accident.  Whilst browsing the National Library of Wales blog I fell upon reference to 'Perthyn', a Welsh language TV series devoted to tracing the genealogies of ordinary natives.  I was aware that this show was around, but had no idea it was online.  Anyway, here's the link - where you will also see a way into the programmes themselves (there will be eight, eventually).  Oh, and yes, you can activate the English subtitles if you must!

And here's HistoryToday's summary of This Week in History.


The May issue of the FFHS's Ezine is now available. I note with interest that the London Science Museum has a fair bit in the way of genealogical material - and they even offer limited FREE research!

The summer issue of Irish Roots magazine has hit the market - see here.


I thought some of you may be interested in The Army Children Archive - as well as the related Army Children's Graves Register, which is probably best entered via this post.

And I see that the MyHeritage blog has launched a 'Links We Like' category, which should be worth keeping an eye on.  Or at least I will do so for the benefit of you all!  Nothing too exciting in the first two 'editions', but you may want to have a quick look anyway.

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