Sunday, 29 September 2013

Genealogy News - 29th September

We'll begin with a bit of news which will be of great interest to all genealogists: the future of the Census (well, in England & Wales, anyway).

The latest Lost Cousins newsletter includes an interview with the UK's first 'celebrity' genealogist, Gordon Honeycombe. Also included (among many other things) is news of's price increases.

September bulletin from ScotlandsPeople.

New from Ancestry: UK Foreign & Overseas Registers of British Subjects 1627-1965 - see their 'updates page'.

Details of newly-released Irish & British newspapers from FindMyPast.

News for Devon researchers from

Fancy a British & Irish genealogy cruise?

Latest Eneclann newsletter.

Thanks to @YourFamTreemag on Twitter for this piece of news re. the National Army Museum.

Special offers at TNA's new online bookshop. More info here.

A few items from Chris Paton's BritishGENES blog:

Background info on the most recent episode of WDYTYA?

Forthcoming changes to the DeceasedOnline website.

These Sussex nonconformists sound like a bundle of laughs.

A worldwide genealogy round-up from GenealogyInTime.

The most recent round-up of history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

Latest from the BBC History website:

Forthcoming events:

And keep an eye on the latest news via the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

Ending soon!

Thanks to @DebbieKennett on Twitter for flagging this...

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Genealogy News - 21st September

Irish family history website,, has launched its Irish Newspapers Collection, making almost 2 million historical Irish newspaper articles available to search on the website. This collection is also accessible on all FindMyPast international sites through a World subscription.

And has released over 300,000 new Royal Household Staff records. Again, the records are available on all FindMyPast sites.

Ancestry have announced the unveiling of new Birmingham material. An alternative way into the records can be found here.

Know what COPAC is? Have a look here.

A similar cataloguing-type post is here.

Scottish researchers may wish to check this out (old films!). Oh, and this, too (Scottish Postal Service).

Just spotted this: WDYTYA? Magazine Podcasts. And here's more from the latest WDYTYA? TV show.

Special offer from RootsIreland!

A useful-looking source of worldwide genealogy news.

Blogger John D Reid has been busy compiling his 'Rockstar Genealogists' lists - a couple of the more relevant results for the Brits/Irish can be found here and here. John also flags an interesting inheritance story.

The DeceasedOnline blog takes a look at St.Pancras and Islington Cemeteries.

The National Archives are tinkering with their website layout - see here.

Latest GOONS Newsflash.

News for MyHeritage users.

An Irish diaspora TV station?

More Irish stuff from blogger Claire Santry:

Chris Paton brings us some handy items, too:

A crucial - and often overlooked - aspect of family history research from blogger Michael J Leclerc.

Here's your weekly dose of entertaining history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

A history crossword.

Usual stuff from the BBC:

Forthcoming events:

And don't forget to keep calling in at the BI-Gen Twitter feed!

And finally, beware of ...

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Genealogy News - 15th September

We'll begin this weekend's post with some reading:

Here's a worldwide family history round-up from GenealogyInTime.

Background info on the most recent episode of WDYTYA? (inc. a link to the programme itself).

Latest TNA Podcast.

Irish news from Claire Santry:

Oh, and then there's the latest issue of Irish Lives Remembered.

A new society of interest to family and local historians: the Society of One-Place Studies.

Derbyshire researchers may wish to check this out.
A useful general article on 'Types of Burial Records'. The same blog has a couple of other posts on the subjects of mourning etiquette and examples of mourning.

Interesting food for thought: The Things We Couldn't Say.

October issue of HistoryToday.

The usual history links round-up from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

Latest from the BBC:

Forthcoming events:

And there's more to be found at the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

More animal antics...

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Genealogy News - 7th September

Not a huge amount to report on this weekend, but below you will find a fair bit of reading to catch up on...

What sounds like a big story from Ancestry/FamilySearch can be found here - though I guess we'll have to wait for the specifics.

Well worth a look: the latest IHGS Newsletter.

Also worth a quick gander: the latest releases from TheGenealogist.

Latest e-newsletter from TNA. You may wish to take special care to read the item entitled The Gloves Are Off.

September e-bulletin from Essex Record Office.

More info on the latest episode of WDYTYA?

Another newsletter from S&N Genealogy Supplies.

And yet another newsletter: Scottish Council on Archives' Broadsheet.

Those with merchant seamen ancestors will want to have a listen to TNA's latest podcast. Oh, and there's also a podcast on the subject of emigration/immigration.

Some great random history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

Thanks to @GuildOneName on Twitter for the latest news on the future of the Census.

@WYorkshireLives on Twitter brings us an update on developments in Bradford.

And @BMSGH on Twitter brings us the BBC news item re. Birmingham's new super-library.

October issue of Family Tree mag.

I see the nominations have been made for John Reid's 'Rock Star Genealogists' poll.

Various Irish bits and pieces from Claire Santry's blog:

I should really say that there are a good few more minor news stories from Ireland to be found on Claire's blog - have a browse here.

Latest from the Beeb:

Forthcoming events:

And the latest news can be found at the BI-Gen Twitter feed.