Tuesday 26 March 2013

Genealogy News - 26th March

You may have noticed that there has been a rather large genealogical conference taking place over in the States, namely RootsTech. If you're into the digi-techno side of family history then you're bound to find something of interest at the official website. Blogger Dick Eastman sums things up nicely, too, here.

A local & family historian's nightmare: the local library/museum goes up in flames. Let's hope the damage at Southwark is not too severe.

Here's more library-related news - this time from Bradford (thanks to @WYorkshireLives on Twitter).

Latest from FindMyPast Ireland is the Irish Medical Directory 1852.

Further Irish stuff from the keyboard of blogger Claire Santry...
As regards the latter, here's Chris Paton's take on this exciting new development.

For the Scots: a couple of useful recent posts by Christine Woodcock...

Here's a worldwide genealogy round-up from GenealogyInTime.

The April issue of Family Tree magazine is now available.

The Irish Genealogical Research Society, based in London, is moving home - see here and here.

Here's you weekly round-up of history links from the Two Nerdy History Girls.

The National Archives website has posted a couple of new podcasts. See the main podcasts page and have a browse around - there's lots to see (or rather listen to!) on all sorts of historical topics.

Forthcoming events:

And don't forget to keep a check on the BI-Gen Twitter feed.

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